Kancelaria Księgowo-Audytorska Sp. z o.o. (Auditing and Accounting Office Ltd) was established as a continuation of business activities of a natural person conducting an organized entity and has been providing services covering taxes and accountancy issues since 1995.
Our main objective is to provide services in a professional manner and perfect our own business skills for the benefit of our customers.
Why us?
We have just under 20 years of experience in the scope of co-operation with entities of different profiles of business activity (manufacturing, trade, services).
A wide range of services provided.
We are in possession of authorisations of Chartered Auditor and accounting certificates.
Our Company employs highly skilled and qualified staff – economists of finance and accountancy specialties. High qualifications, abilities, constant broadening of knowledge, creativity and long-standing experience are the guarantee of high level of services provided.
We are a Partner for you. Each and every Customer is dealt with individually while establishing the principles and conditions of our co-operation.
Our Office applies modern IT tools, which offer wide potential for co-operation with a customer.
Our office is located in the centre of Gliwice town.
Our offer involves possibility of collecting the documents from a Customer.
We possess civil liability insurance.
Entrusting our Company with comprehensive financial and accounting as well as pay and personnel service will make it possible for you to concentrate your resources and funds on the core activity of your company and make good use of such advantages of outsourcing like:
- reduction of your expenses on specialist training of your financial and accounting personnel,
- reduction of your maintenance and administration costs (specialized software, professional literature, etc.),
- maintaining the continuity of work (filling in for the period of sick leave, holidays, etc.),
- making use of long-standing experience,
- reduction of labour costs associated with employment of highly qualified employee of financial and accounting services,
- access to the latest knowledge in the scope of taxation rules and regulations.
A new customer is offered free of charge help while setting up their company.
Register data
The Company is registered at the District Court in Gliwice under the national court register number (KRS) 00000259754
Initial capital registered amounts to PLN50,000.00
Tax identification number (NIP) 631-249-51-50 Business statistical number (REGON) 240390570
Słowa kluczowe skojarzone ze stroną: Księgowość, Księgowy, Księgowa, Biura rachunkowe, Biura księgowe, Doradca podatkowy, Doradztwo podatkowe, Biegli rewidenci, Audytorzy, Księgi rachunkowe, Księgi przychodów i rozchodów, Kadry i płace, Rozliczenia z ZUS, Rozliczenia z Urzędem Skarbowym, Szkolenia podatkowo-księgowe, Controling, due dilligence.